Reclaiming Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in All Things for the Glory of God & the Good of the City!
Reclamation Church Greensburg is a unified group of people who are determined to love Jesus and love neighbor right in the middle of the mess of life. We desire to live out this love for God and others with special attention and care for Greensburg! So if you love Greensburg & desire to lean in to your love for Jesus then RCG may just be the place for you and your family!
We have no illusions about this thing called "following Jesus" but we are confident that this ordinary, challenging, and often difficult way is the path on which Deep Truth, Real Beauty & Genuine Goodness is truly realized.
So, even if you've had some difficult or even damaging experiences with church, other Christians
or even your own faith in God, we encourage you to simply make room for a better way
forward with Jesus. We'll give you plenty of space and time to find your footing.
You see, we believe that the Glory of Jesus is the ultimate meaning behind all things and since we have no control over this, we're not really in a rush to build a big church, develop dazzling Christians or even infiltrate Greensburg with evangelistic intensity.
Actually, we prefer to remember the story of Jesus and his great liberating work, rest in his unfailing love for us, and reclaim the deep longings of every human heart for more truth, beauty and goodness. In this way, we are actually freed to move about Greensburg, our own neighborhoods, workplaces, schools and places of business as genuinely healthy people, more deeply connected to the person of Jesus.
Oh, we do have strategies, ministries and creative opportunities to grow up in Jesus and move out for Jesus, but first things first. At Reclamation Church Greensburg Jesus is always the first thing. Jesus is our vision.
So, even if nothing else in your life is making much sense, we invite you to join us in our quest to be more genuinely Jesus' people!
"For in him we move and live and have our being."
From the Acts of the Apostles
"And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent."
From the Letter to the Colossians